Comics Out of Context

I recently ran across a web site where a guy took old comic panels and changed the wording to make them silly as related to today’s popular frame of mind.  But really, there’s a lot of comics out there that can be taken out of context and look bizarre and funny today.  Here are a few.  Ok, rather a lot really.

The Dark Knight encounters a scoundrel wearing a thong?15 Honey, you will have to give him up.  He is a total cad.737ca5c6208b84b8ef771f19869542b6 Boy Wonder is easily amused.


When did the Man of Steel start wearing boxing gloves?
41344cb3f350fbe9b17a12998d1ce21fAnother chick falls for Dicka402d1a949b4c75959bfa415fd88b4cf Dick pops up yet again.c61d18c69e484b1f074adaee62c42c5c

Besties foreverc71faedf87826af85a9617e3fe5e606b No, its your breath yellow ears.cf9da63d28f36fc9517b1c058df80c86 One should always bring lunch to a cat fight.comic-book-panels-are-much-funnier-when-taken-out-of-context-43148

Yup, it is really that good.d5493bc54c3396bb0354723b98dab9e5

Careful Boy Wonderful, if you do that you will be forced to register your address for the rest of your life.enhanced-8875-1401395902-2 Heh, heh, he said “boner”.enhanced-buzz-8771-1377723511-4 Hope his brother isn’t Dick.fa11b56bcf1206755c224de12e6600c7

Finally coming outFunny-Vintage-Comic-Strips-08 Yes, you do.i'll+slit+your+throat Next panel she counters with a pistol.large When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.NewImage2 He said “boner” again.snuh3 Nah, the Caped Crusader is straight.Some_7113ac_5830524 And when he drinks beer it’s Pabst Blue RibbonSome_fae25e_5830524 Following a farm boy to the barn is risky business.Some_fca8ea_5830524 Relax, it’s just grandpa finishing up his ICEE.Some+great+vintage+comic+panels+i+found_aa7e8d_5830524 Now they are studying boners heh, heh.
tumblr_l6udp7yamg1qzdi59o1_500 It’s great being the first kid on the block with her own sack of uranium.tumblr_mvmxgrJSc31r04tuwo1_500 Go figure.tumblr_n2ma3apCvU1r616oeo1_500 You need a better line.tumblr_nazsejFjh31tjbe6to1_500 Dick breaks another heart.tumblr_nuliaxz4vq1qcuxmzo1_500 Yea, she might end up an engineer or a rocket scientist.waitingfordick1Oooo..what did she do to our boy?

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