I got me one of those scanner thingys the other day and have started loading in our old pictures.
Here’s the first few I have done, featuring Theresa. Note, these files are very big so you might want to get on a wifi before opening the pictures.
In the play pen at about 6 months old
Enjoying cake on her first birthday
In the new house at about 4 years old
Bon Bon The Clown was featured at two of Theresa’s birthdays
Theresa and friend, Hailey
On the wooden swing set. This thing was a bear to assemble. When I opened the box I found a gazillion screws for assembly. Undaunted, I sashayed to Ace Hardware and got a screwdriver bit for my electric drill. If I had not done that I would still be putting this thing together.
As I post more photos, I will announce on Facebook.