Here Are Three More

I have a few more from Saturday’s outing to post.  The first is the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts.  The Hobby Center is the host of Houston Theater under the Stars.  Theater under the Stars used to be outdoors at the Miller Outdoor Theatre but it is not anymore.  There are a lot of things around here named Hobby, but not as many as Hermann.

Caution: these are large files

Hobby Center

The building in the middle with the orange thingy on top is the Hyatt Regency Hotel.  That orange thingy is Spindletop, a spinning restaurant and bar.  I have never eaten there because it costs too much.


Last we have the Sam Houston Hotel.  Every great city named after Sam Houston should have a hotel named Sam Houston.  Just for grins I photoshopped the photo to make it look old.

Sam Houston Hotel 1

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